About Us

The Politicoz are the people with diverse political views, we are team with social science’ background and gathered to bring some comparative and analytical knowledge to the audience.

Who is "Politico"?

Politico is basically an informal way to say “politician,” although the term also includes people who follow politics or act behind the scenes in the political arena.  Politico is originally a Spanish word meaning “political.”

Aim of The Politicoz

Our sole aim surrounds comparative politics, roles and forms of governments, popular opinions, political systems, political ideologies, and international relations. In today’s globalized world one must know public affairs as the strings are pulled towards democracy and in democracy, one must be aware of his rights. So, the politicoz brings diverse minds with intellectual thoughts.


We cover social and political issues as a whole. Following are some specific areas.

  • Political Science
  • International Relations
  • Sociology
  • Gender studies
  • International and Constitutional Law
  • Regional Conflicts/Issues
  • Role of International Organizations